
Garden Planning & Heirloom Seeds

Spring is here and we are completely focused on the garden!

We've spent the winter planning and preparing for this year's vegetable garden. Already we've expanded our fenced area and have plans to cultivate a whole new section of ground. New perennial zones have been defined and fertilized, and we are in the process of constructing two new raised garden beds. Onions have been planted, peas are coming up, and carrot and beet seeds have been sown under a cold frame. Transplants have been started in the greenhouse, agribon has been ordered and we are in the process of running irrigation lines in the garden.

I'd say we are having no trouble keeping ourselves busy with the garden. In fact our garden has been keeping busy too. This picture is from inside one of our cold frames. It shows fall planted onion seed, spinach and Swiss chard, which grew beautifully all winter and have kept us in a steady supply of greens.

To see more about what we have planned and what we've been up to, read our latest gardening update:

Garden Planning

Our garden plans are based on a companion planting method that should help our garden to naturally repel pests without the use of pesticides. There are lots of things to consider when planning a "companion" garden, but I think the efforts will be well worth it. Click here to read our garden planning article.

Heirloom Seeds

We've chosen to plant open pollinated and heirloom seeds in our garden so that we can practice seed saving. Saving and replanting seed is one of the keys to sustainable gardening. Click here to read more about the benefits of seed saving.

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